Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Weight Loss Meal Plan For Women

Here's a weight loss meal plan for desperate women who can no longer take the cruel embarrassment and pressures that go along with being overweight. If you're willing to listen, I'm willing to help.

Follow this outline and I can pretty much promise you that you'll lose weight. But I stress... you must follow what I say. It's flexible, so it shouldn't be too hard.

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Weight Loss Meal Plan For Women

1. Let's start with breakfast - eat eggs!

Eggs are too beneficial to be passing up. First off, know this fact. About 80% of fat people skip or eat a bad breakfast regularly while 80% of lean and skinny people eat a good breakfast regularly. Eggs are a good breakfast, so eat them. I suggest you eat 3-4 scrambled eggs. If you can, add in some chopped up vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and green peppers.

2. Lunch - Have a vegetable salad (choose whatever vegetables you want) with a food that's high in protein

Now, salads by themselves suck. But salads with the 25+ grams of protein added to them, wow, awesome. You just made yourself a great meal. I suggest you use either 1-2 chicken breasts, 1 can of black beans, 1/2 pound of lean meat, or 1 can of water-packed tuna as your protein source.

3. Dinner - Choose a lean meat with vegetables on the side

As you can see, the pattern is simple... protein with vegetables. You can choose a steak or salmon and add in some broccoli and or cauliflower. Something like that.

Now, these are all healthy meals that aren't too difficult to make or get use to eating. If necessary, use some spices and flavorings to make this stuff taste better for you... just not too much!

So there you go, there's a simple and effective weight loss meal plan for women that should start yielding you some weight loss results within a few days.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss meal plans for women... you know, like lots of fruits and vegetables and a whole lot of nothing... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you.




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